Cracked Tooth Syndrome: Comprehensive Note

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked Tooth Syndrome: Comprehensive Note

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

It is defined as, dental fractures characterized by one or two crack in the enamel of the tooth penetrating into underlying layers, even reaching up to pulp. These fractures are not that much larger, which causes separation of the tooth. Which is easily detected in the X-rays results. Cracked tooth Syndrome CTS causes pain, irritation and discomfort mainly triggered by chewing and sudden change in temperature.

Recognizing and Treating Syndrome

It is very necessary to recognize and provide proper treatment to CTS. If it is left untreated, it can lead to infection, inflammation reaching up to the tooth pulp and in the end leading to tooth loss. It is very difficult to diagnose this syndrome in its early ages due to its sporadic nature. It is very important for dentist and the patient to maintain vigilance. Timely diagnosis and timely treatment of cracked tooth, can be helpful in preventing infection and inflammation.

Main Causes of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Injuries and Trauma

Accidents, and falling that strike your mouth with something can cause cracked tooth. Injuries and trauma are one of the main cause of cracked tooth Syndrome. These crack are not diagnosed earlier, but they can become worse with the passage of time.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding also known as Bruxism. Habit of grinding your teeth with pressure creates a lot of friction, this action can create small cracks in the teeth. This can lead to the CTS.

Chewing Hard Food

Biting hard food like ice or non-edible product like pens, pencils frequently can cause cracks in the tooth. Applying pressure on the tooth will lead to this syndrome.

Age Factor

With the passage of time, your teeth become weaker. Teeth natural go under process of tearing and damage in later age. Additionally, mineralization and change in the structure will lead to cracked tooth syndrome.

Oral Hygiene Measures

If your are showing negligence in oral hygiene, it can cost you with cracked tooth. If your oral cavity is unhygienic, it can cause infection in your tooth leading to weaker tooth. If any pressure is applied on them they will crack immediately. On the other hand, maintaining good health of your teeth can reduce chances of cracked tooth syndrome. This will increase the lifetime of your teeth.

Larger Fillings

Teeth with larger Fillings are weaker as compared to smaller fillings. These weaker teeth are cracked easily, because of there compromised integrity.

Main Causes of Cracked Tooth Syndrome
Main Causes of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Common Symptoms

Following symptoms are observed in cracked tooth syndrome:

  • Sharp and localized Pain.
  • High sensitivity.
  • Discomfort.
  • Inflammation in severe cases.

Diagnosis of CTS

As it is discussed above CTS is very difficult to diagnose due to its sporadic nature. The pain goes easily and cause of the pain is very difficult to understand. This leads to delay diagnosis and severe challenges.

Dental History and clinical evaluation

To diagnose this kind of a problem, complete dental history is very necessary. Complete and careful examination of the effected tooth is very important. Dental X-Ray are one of the best way to diagnose cracks in the teeth.

Dental Dye or Microscope for Diagnosis

Dental dyes are used to evaluate the dental cracks. These dyes are applied directly on to the teeth making the dental cracks visible during examination. Additionally, other methods like microscope or using dental lens can help to determine the cracks in the teeth.

Types of Dental Cracks

Following are types of dental cracks that are mostly observed:

Crazy Lines

Crazy line are just superficial cracks, only effect the enamel of the teeth. They don’t cause pain because they are just size of hair present superficially. They occur with age and are treated easily using cosmetic surgery.

Fractured cusps

When tooth’s chewing surface become older and crackers appears, this type of cracks are called Fractured cusps. Other causes of fractured cusps can be teeth grinding (Bruxism), trauma or large filling. This can cause pain and severe sensitivity.

Cracked Tooth

If the small fractures increases and lead to larger fissures, these are referred as cracked tooth. Such tooth causes sharp pain in biting and chewing. If they are left untreated, it will lead to severe symptoms.

Split tooth

If the cracked tooth are left untreated, it will lead to more severe condition know as spilt tooth. In this condition, the cracks will move further splitting the tooth into half. They cause severe pain and sensation, also lead to infection and inflammation.

Vertical root fracture

It occur in the vertical direction, starting from the root of the tooth. Such root fracture are very difficult to diagnose, they can cause severe complications. They lead to extraction of tooth or root canal depend on the condition of the tooth.

Treatment options for Cracked tooth syndrome

Following are the treatment for cracked tooth syndrome:

  • Dental bonding and filling can be used to treat this syndrome.
  • If there is more damage evaluated, then dental crowning is always referred.
  • Root canal is done, when the cracks become older and the infection enters into the pulp area of the teeth. In such condition root canal is the best option.
  • Tooth Extraction is performed, when the tooth condition goes beyond treatment possibilities. In such condition tooth is extracted to reduce pain of the patient.
  • Endoscopy can also be done to treat CTS. In this method infection is removed from the root of the tooth.

Preventive Measures

Following are preventive measures that should be followed to avoid CTS:

  • Wear protective equipment while engaging in physical games. Because, there are chances of traumas in physical activities.
  • Use mouth guards while playing, they provide protective barrier between upper and lower jaw. Thus, absorbing the force of impact of the face.
  • It is better to avoid chewing hard objects, as it can cause cracks in the teeth.
  • Regular dental checkup and hygienic measures are one of the most important way to avoid cracked tooth syndrome. Regular checkup will help you in early diagnosis of this syndrome. Oral hygienic measures will help yo prevent any infection that leads to tooth cracking.